2023 Women in Biopharma R&D; Biotech hopeful for rebound even as new wave of layoffs hit; Novartis’ siRNA buyout; and more

Wel­come back to End­points Week­ly, your re­view of the week’s top bio­phar­ma head­lines. Want this in your in­box every Sat­ur­day morn­ing? Cur­rent End­points read­ers can vis­it their read­er pro­file to add End­points Week­ly. New to End­points? Sign up here.

The breadth and depth of End­points re­port­ing were on full dis­play this week. There’s our an­nu­al Women in Bio­phar­ma R&D re­port, fea­tur­ing a col­lec­tion of re­al­ly in­ter­est­ing pro­files; and our re­porters al­so brought us scoops and ex­clu­sive in­ter­views on com­pa­ny fi­nanc­ings, deep analy­sis on key da­ta, an in­side look in­to com­pa­ny dy­nam­ics at Grail, and more. If you find this re­cap help­ful, we would ap­pre­ci­ate you spread­ing the word.

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