2024 VC forecast: Clinical-stage CDMOs likely to have uptick in demand but specialization critical

Clin­i­cal-stage CD­MOs should ex­pect a rise in de­mand in 2024 as fund­ing for ear­ly-stage bio­phar­ma sta­bi­lizes and biotechs may shed their in-house man­u­fac­tur­ing to save cash, ac­cord­ing to three VCs in­ter­viewed by End­points News.

“If you’re a biotech com­pa­ny and you don’t have to in­vest in your own man­u­fac­tur­ing in­fra­struc­ture, you are ac­tu­al­ly go­ing to be in that buck­et of com­pa­nies that is more like­ly to at­tract in­vest­ment,” Eclipse Ven­tures part­ner Justin But­ler added.

Endpoints News

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