23andMe said hackers accessed over five million members’ ancestry info

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Con­sumer ge­net­ics test­ing gi­ant 23andMe found that a hack­er has ac­cessed the in­for­ma­tion of around 5.5 mil­lion cus­tomers af­ter wrap­ping up its in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to its da­ta breach.

Those cus­tomers have had their DNAR pro­file ac­cessed, a com­pa­ny spokesper­son told End­points News on Mon­day. A DNAR pro­file in­cludes an­ces­try in­for­ma­tion, such as pre­dict­ed re­la­tion­ships and per­cent­ages of DNA shared with oth­er rel­a­tive match­es, and may al­so in­clude match­ing DNA seg­ments, a user’s city and zip code, fam­i­ly names and birth­dates.

Endpoints News

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