8 takeaways from Biogen’s Q1 update: A ‘difficult’ launch for Leqembi, a $103M voucher and a focus on new licensing deals

Bio­gen’s lead­ers de­fend­ed their Ei­sai-part­nered Leqem­bi dur­ing a first-quar­ter earn­ings up­date on Wednes­day, say­ing the Alzheimer’s treat­ment is on a path to greater up­take as more pa­tients start­ed treat­ment last month.

The com­pa­ny is in the midst of re­set­ting its busi­ness, mak­ing hun­dreds of cuts to its work­force in re­cent quar­ters and re­shap­ing its pipeline last year. Now, Bio­gen said it’s on more sol­id foot­ing for the fu­ture.

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