Stop TB says the price of J&J’s tuberculosis treatment bedaquiline drops 55%

The Stop TB Part­ner­ship an­nounced a 55% de­crease in the price for John­son & John­son’s ver­sion of be­daquiline known as Sir­turo, which is used to treat drug-re­sis­tant tu­ber­cu­lo­sis.

The Swiss non­prof­it’s sup­ply and pro­cure­ment arm, known as the Glob­al Drug Fa­cil­i­ty (GDF), said the drug now costs around $130 per six-month treat­ment course. The or­ga­ni­za­tion al­so se­cured a 33% price re­duc­tion for Lupin’s gener­ic ver­sion of the drug for $194 for six months of treat­ment.

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