David Khougazian joins Flagship to build ‘partnerships with different flavors’; Former Novo Nordisk exec to lead Evaxion

It’s a clas­sic bio­phar­ma sto­ry.

In Jan­u­ary, David Khougaz­ian bumped in­to Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing founder Noubar Afeyan at the JP Mor­gan health­care con­fer­ence. They caught up, and Khougaz­ian be­gan talk­ing to Flag­ship about a new role. Now, over half a year lat­er, Khougaz­ian has joined Flag­ship as its new growth part­ner.

Khougaz­ian left Sanofi, where he’d spent a large chunk of his bio­phar­ma ca­reer. He most re­cent­ly led Sanofi’s launch­es in Chi­na and emerg­ing mar­kets. Pri­or to that, he was CEO of Sanofi Pas­teur MSDMer­ck and Sanofi’s joint vac­cine ven­ture in Eu­rope that the two com­pa­nies stopped at the end of 2016. Khougaz­ian had joined Sanofi by way of Aven­tis, where he was head of M&A un­til Sanofi ac­quired the com­pa­ny in 2004.

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