Alnylam, Roche’s RNAi candidate scores mid-stage win in hypertension

Al­ny­lam’s zilebe­sir­an met the pri­ma­ry end­point and cer­tain sec­ondary end­points in a Phase II dose-rang­ing tri­al in a read­out that ar­rived less than six weeks af­ter Roche an­nounced it would pay $310 mil­lion to co-de­vel­op and co-com­mer­cial­ize the ther­a­py.

Al­ny­lam re­vealed topline da­ta Thurs­day from the KAR­DIA-1 tri­al, which en­rolled 394 pa­tients across five arms and test­ed zilebe­sir­an as a monother­a­py in adults with mild to mod­er­ate hy­per­ten­sion.

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