Citius Pharmaceuticals looks to refile former Eisai cancer drug in early 2024

Citius Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals plans to re­file its ex­per­i­men­tal drug for a rare blood can­cer in ear­ly 2024 fol­low­ing an FDA re­jec­tion in Ju­ly.

The drug, Lym­phir, is a re­for­mu­lat­ed ver­sion of Ei­sai’s cu­ta­neous T-cell lym­phoma (CT­CL) treat­ment On­tak, which was vol­un­tar­i­ly pulled from the US mar­ket in 2014 over man­u­fac­tur­ing is­sues. Citius CEO Leonard Mazur told End­points News on Fri­day that “there’s no re­la­tion­ship” be­tween those is­sues and the FDA’s re­cent com­plete re­sponse let­ter.

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