Takeda says TYK2 drug it purchased for $4B has passed another mid-stage test

Take­da an­nounced Mon­day morn­ing that the TYK2 in­hibitor it bought from Nim­bus Ther­a­peu­tics for $4 bil­lion has suc­ceed­ed in a Phase IIb tri­al in pso­ri­at­ic arthri­tis.

While Take­da didn’t share any specifics, it said that in the Phase IIb study, a greater pro­por­tion of pa­tients treat­ed with its once-a-day pill, TAK-279, saw at least 20% im­prove­ment on a mea­sure of a core group of symp­toms of the dis­ease com­pared to place­bo at three months.

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