Updated: 2seventy lays off 40% of staff, prunes CAR-T pipeline as Nick Leschly steps down as CEO

With an ear­ly-stage CAR-T un­der clin­i­cal hold, 2sev­en­ty bio is slash­ing its head­count by 40% and cap­ping spend­ing on some pipeline pro­grams to fo­cus on grow­ing its ap­proved BC­MA ther­a­py.

2sev­en­ty is elim­i­nat­ing 176 roles as part of the lay­offs. Nick Leschly — who’s led the com­pa­ny for near­ly 14 years, since be­fore its spin­out from blue­bird bio — is al­so plan­ning to step down as CEO, with plans to be­come chair­man once the board finds his suc­ces­sor.

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