Renibus brings Series B total to $72M, securing registrational development for lead heart surgery candidate

Car­diore­nal biotech Renibus Ther­a­peu­tics has com­plet­ed a Se­ries B ex­ten­sion that brings its to­tal pro­ceeds to $72 mil­lion, se­cur­ing a run­way through reg­is­tra­tional de­vel­op­ment and an NDA fil­ing for its lead pro­gram.

In Ju­ly, the Texas-based com­pa­ny raised $47 mil­lion in a Se­ries B, but has now in­creased this amount to $72 mil­lion. Renibus did not name in­vestors in­volved in ei­ther por­tion of the raise, but said in a press re­lease they are “com­prised of ex­ist­ing and new in­vestors, in­clud­ing lead­ers in the car­diac surgery com­mu­ni­ty.” A pre­vi­ous bridge fi­nanc­ing for the com­pa­ny was backed by Ox­ford Fi­nance.

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