Exelixis licenses small molecule from Insilico for $80M upfront; Vertex buys GPCR from Septerna

Ex­elix­is is buy­ing in­to a can­cer drug can­di­date dis­cov­ered by gen­er­a­tive AI from In­sil­i­co Med­i­cine, the two com­pa­nies an­nounced Tues­day.

The Bay Area can­cer com­pa­ny is pay­ing In­sil­i­co $80 mil­lion up­front for ISM3091 — a small mol­e­cule that in­hibits USP1. The en­zyme is an im­por­tant me­di­a­tor of DNA dam­age re­spons­es, and is dys­reg­u­lat­ed in cer­tain can­cers. Ex­elix­is is in­ves­ti­gat­ing the drug for BR­CA-mu­tat­ed tu­mors.

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