AstraZeneca, Amgen debut new Tezspire marketing during September asthma ‘peak week’

As­traZeneca and Am­gen are back with an­oth­er Tezspire cam­paign with its col­lec­tion of an­i­mat­ed asth­ma suf­fer­ers, and they’re in­tro­duc­ing a new health­care spe­cial­ist char­ac­ter.

The ef­fort is in­ten­tion­al­ly timed to the third week of Sep­tem­ber, known as the peak week for asth­ma symp­toms and ex­ac­er­ba­tions.

The lat­est “Be You” TV com­mer­cial takes a clos­er look be­hind the scenes of one fa­vorite char­ac­ter, “Hawk,” the col­or­ful mo­hawk-wear­ing punk rock­er, and his life­long strug­gle with asth­ma. The new health­care pro­fes­sion­al char­ac­ter is “Hana,” meant to mod­el a pos­i­tive HCP-pa­tient re­la­tion­ship and ap­pear­ing on­line in the “find a spe­cial­ist” sec­tion.

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