House Democrats push back on Republicans’ drug shortage proposals during legislative hearing

House law­mak­ers have re­turned from re­cess with their work cut out for them to ad­dress on­go­ing drug short­ages, but reach­ing bi­par­ti­san con­sen­sus on how to do that ap­pears to be an on­go­ing chal­lenge af­ter a leg­isla­tive hear­ing on the top­ic on Thurs­day.

The House En­er­gy & Com­merce com­mit­tee’s health sub­com­mit­tee fo­cused its hear­ing on five pieces of drug short­age-re­lat­ed leg­is­la­tion, in­clud­ing a draft of the Stop Drug Short­ages Act, which com­mit­tee chair Cathy Mc­Mor­ris Rodgers (R-WA) re­leased just ahead of the Au­gust re­cess.

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