In the Lab: Regeneron brings its antibody chops to gene editing’s biggest problem, aiming to ‘change the field’

TAR­RY­TOWN, NY — For over three decades, Re­gen­eron has been syn­ony­mous with one thing in the drug in­dus­try: an­ti­bod­ies. Block­busters like Dupix­ent, Eylea, and Covid-19 an­ti­bod­ies have trans­formed what start­ed as a scrap­py start­up in­to one of biotech’s biggest names.

But the bil­lion­aire co-founders who still run the $91 bil­lion gi­ant, CEO Leonard Schleifer and CSO George Yan­copou­los, have spent near­ly the last decade work­ing on the com­pa­ny’s next act. They have part­nered, built, and bought their way in­to ge­net­ic med­i­cine, go­ing be­yond an­ti­bod­ies in­to CRISPR, RNA in­ter­fer­ence, and oth­er tech­nolo­gies that ma­nip­u­late the ge­net­ic code of life.

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