AstraZeneca rolls up cardiovascular, renal and metabolic interconnections in film and digital effort

As­traZeneca is putting its car­dio­vas­cu­lar, re­nal and meta­bol­ic (CVRM) port­fo­lio in the spot­light with a short film and dig­i­tal cam­paign. The two-minute video lays out As­traZeneca’s am­bi­tions across the “com­plex and in­ter­con­nect­ed” dis­eases.

“By 2032, we aim to be lead­ing the world in CVRM ther­a­pies, with as many as 15 life-chang­ing new med­i­cines de­vel­oped and de­liv­ered by mak­ing the con­nec­tions that em­pow­er us to ful­fill our am­bi­tion and stop, and one day, cure these dis­eases,” the nar­ra­tor says.

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