Rentschler names Benedikt von Braunmuehl as CEO; Catalent grabs David McErlane from Lonza as biologics lead

Benedikt von Braun­muehl has been re­vealed as Rentschler Bio­phar­ma’s new CEO. Mean­while, Catal­ent al­so an­nounced that David McEr­lane is the CD­MO’s new group pres­i­dent of its bi­o­log­ic seg­ment.

Von Braun­muehl, the for­mer CEO of HM­NC Brain Health, re­placed Frank Math­ias, who shift­ed to Ox­ford Bio­med­ica in Feb­ru­ary af­ter sev­en years at Rentschler. Tues­day marks von Braun­muehl’s first day on the job.

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