After Versanis success, Aditum launches Celexor Bio with autoimmune drug from Acelyrin partner Inmagene

The biotech li­cens­ing whizzes at Adi­tum Bio, the VC firm from ex-No­var­tis CEO Joe Jimenez and Mark Fish­man, have cre­at­ed their 10th com­pa­ny by nab­bing the rights to a pre­clin­i­cal au­toim­mune drug.

The new start­up, Celex­or Bio, will pay an undis­closed up­front and up to $287 mil­lion in biobucks to San Diego-based In­ma­gene Bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, which will al­so get an eq­ui­ty stake in the new biotech and po­ten­tial roy­al­ties.

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