Dana-Farber, Brigham breakup could lead to a ripple effect for CGT clinical trials for cancer

Dana-Far­ber Can­cer In­sti­tute an­nounced on Sept. 14 that it is se­cur­ing a new joint ven­ture with Beth Is­rael Dea­coness Med­ical Cen­ter, mark­ing a breakup of its decades­long adult can­cer care part­ner­ship with Brigham and Women’s Hos­pi­tal.

The news shocked Brigham, which had been ne­go­ti­at­ing a part­ner­ship ex­ten­sion with Dana-Far­ber for the past 15 months, ac­cord­ing to the Boston Globe.

There are around 20 on­go­ing cell ther­a­py clin­i­cal tri­als un­der the Dana-Far­ber Brigham Can­cer Cen­ter, which com­pris­es 12 treat­ment cen­ters with ex­perts from Dana-Far­ber and Brigham work­ing to­geth­er. Brigham al­so has its own gene and cell ther­a­py in­sti­tute and a lab ded­i­cat­ed to next-gen­er­a­tion, ge­net­i­cal­ly-mod­i­fied CAR-T cell ther­a­pies for can­cer.

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