Labcorp backs Adela’s $48M Series A1 to advance methylation-based head and neck cancer test

Adela has raised $48 mil­lion in a Se­ries A1 round backed by new in­vestor and di­ag­nos­tic gi­ant Lab­corp to fund a test for mon­i­tor­ing min­i­mal resid­ual dis­ease (MRD) in head and neck can­cer (HNC).

The round was backed by ex­ist­ing in­vestors, in­clud­ing F-Prime Cap­i­tal, Or­biMed and Deer­field Man­age­ment, bring­ing Adela’s to­tal cap­i­tal raised to date to $108 mil­lion. Lab­corp, which op­er­ates a US net­work of more than 30 pri­ma­ry lab­o­ra­to­ries, al­so pitched in.

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