Klick Health rolls out AI for pharma with first industry ChatGPT add-on tool

Klick Health is cus­tomiz­ing Chat­G­PT for life sci­ence com­pa­nies with an in­dus­try-first free plu­g­in that can search and or­ga­nize pay­ments made to health­care providers.

Us­ing its pro­pri­etary MedO­cean data­base, which in­cludes Open Pay­ments da­ta col­lect­ed by CMS, the new Klick­Rx Chat­G­PT tool can be down­loaded in­side Chat­G­PT Plus — Ope­nAI’s $20-per-month GPT-4 sub­scrip­tion prod­uct — and al­so used with oth­er AI plu­g­ins on the plat­form.

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