Big Pharma-backed Sitryx locks an additional $39M in a Series A raise to advance its immunometabolic pipeline

Sit­ryx Ther­a­peu­tics has raised an ad­di­tion­al £32 mil­lion ($39 mil­lion) in a fol­low-on to its 2018 Se­ries A to help push its im­munometa­bol­ic pipeline in­to the clin­ic.

New in­vestor Ox­ford Sci­ence En­ter­pris­es (OSE) joins the fray with Big Phar­ma back­ers GSK and Eli Lil­ly, as well as Sofinno­va Part­ners, SV Health In­vestors and Long­wood Fund. The Ox­ford, UK-based com­pa­ny made its de­but in 2018 with a $30 mil­lion Se­ries A, bring­ing its to­tal fundrais­ing to more than $75 mil­lion.

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