Microsoft’s big healthcare acquisition just made its AI notes tool more widely available

Nu­ance, a health tech com­pa­ny Mi­crosoft bought in 2022, is mak­ing its AI-pow­ered notes tool avail­able to more health sys­tems and med­ical pro­fes­sion­als.

The tool, now called DAX Copi­lot, has been one of the clear­est ways AI could change how doc­tor’s of­fice in­ter­ac­tions get record­ed. Clin­i­cians us­ing Nu­ance’s Drag­on Med­ical plat­form can record (with a pa­tient’s con­sent) an ap­point­ment. From there, with­in a few sec­onds, DAX Copi­lot will turn the record­ing in­to com­pre­hen­sive notes for a pa­tient’s health record, Kenn Harp­er, a vice pres­i­dent and gen­er­al man­ag­er of health­care vir­tu­al as­sis­tants and am­bi­ent clin­i­cal in­tel­li­gence at Nu­ance, told End­points News. 

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