FDA turns to Fresenius imports from EU to help with common cancer drug shortage

The FDA ac­knowl­edged to­day that it’s been al­low­ing tem­po­rary im­ports of the com­mon­ly used can­cer drug cis­platin from Fre­se­nius Kabi to help shore up the con­tin­u­ing short­age of the drug na­tion­wide.

The prod­uct that’s be­ing al­lowed in­to the coun­try is mar­ket­ed in Eu­rope and man­u­fac­tured in In­dia, but still not FDA-ap­proved, ac­cord­ing to a let­ter FDA sent Aug. 30 and shared on so­cial me­dia Thurs­day. FDA’s drug short­age site said there would be “lim­it­ed avail­abil­i­ty” of the prod­uct be­gin­ning Wednes­day.

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