Structure Therapeutics ‘encouraged’ by 5.4% weight loss with its oral GLP-1, plans for more studies

Struc­ture Ther­a­peu­tics is throw­ing its oral GLP-1 in­to the weight loss ring with promis­ing — al­beit ear­ly and small — da­ta from a Phase Ib tri­al in­ves­ti­gat­ing the mol­e­cule in over­weight or obese pa­tients, and with plans for a larg­er tri­al in di­a­bet­ic pa­tients.

Its GLP-1, GS­BR-1290, was dosed in 24 pa­tients over 28 days. Pa­tients saw a 5.4% re­duc­tion in weight from base­line com­pared to 0.5% in the place­bo arm at the high­est 90 mg dose, earn­ing a p-val­ue of p=0.01. The tri­al al­so in­ves­ti­gat­ed low­er dos­es, in­clud­ing 60 mg, which saw a 5.2% re­duc­tion in pa­tients’ weight.

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MOSAIC spatial atlas of cancer cells to be created

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