Exclusive: Providence just launched a startup for one of hospitals’ biggest problems — maintaining patient relationships

Prov­i­dence, a mas­sive health sys­tem based in the Seat­tle area with 51 hos­pi­tals, is launch­ing a new com­pa­ny called Pra­ia Health.

The start­up wants to help hos­pi­tals main­tain a re­la­tion­ship with pa­tients, even when they’re not us­ing one of the health sys­tems’ of­fices. The idea is to use one sin­gle sign-on that can be used to log in across dif­fer­ent health ser­vices, like how you can use your Gmail ac­count to sign in to dif­fer­ent web­sites with­out hav­ing to re­mem­ber a dis­tinct user­name and pass­word. It’s the fourth com­pa­ny Prov­i­dence has launched.

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