Biogen nabs FDA approval for its biosimilar of arthritis and Covid-19 drug Actemra

Bio­gen scored an ap­proval from the FDA for its biosim­i­lar of Roche’s treat­ment Actem­ra on Fri­day, mark­ing the first biosim­i­lar of the drug to be ap­proved in the US.

The biosim­i­lar, mar­ket­ed as Tofi­dence, is giv­en in­tra­venous­ly and ap­proved for the treat­ment of mod­er­ate­ly to se­vere­ly ac­tive rheuma­toid arthri­tis, pol­yartic­u­lar ju­ve­nile id­io­path­ic arthri­tis and sys­temic ju­ve­nile id­io­path­ic arthri­tis. Tofi­dence is an IL-6 re­cep­tor an­tag­o­nist that “tar­gets spe­cif­ic in­flam­ma­to­ry pro­teins to sup­press the im­mune sys­tem,” ac­cord­ing to the FDA.

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