BridgeBio partners with biomanufacturer Resilience to produce early-stage AAV gene therapies

Bridge­Bio has tapped bio­man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­ny Na­tion­al Re­silience to pro­duce two of its ear­ly-phase ade­no-as­so­ci­at­ed virus (AAV) gene ther­a­pies in a part­ner­ship de­signed to run be­yond clin­i­cal tri­als.

Re­silience is tasked to man­u­fac­ture AAV5 gene ther­a­py BBP-631 for con­gen­i­tal adren­al hy­per­pla­sia and AAV9 gene ther­a­py BBP-812 for Cana­van dis­ease. BBP-631 is in a 25-pa­tient Phase I/II tri­al, with ear­ly da­ta ex­pect­ed be­fore the end of the year. Mean­while, BBP-812 is in an 18-pa­tient Phase I/II study, with re­sults like­ly to be un­veiled next year.

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