FDA clears Novavax’s fall booster for Covid-19, weeks after mRNA vaccine boosters 

The FDA cleared No­vavax’s up­dat­ed Covid-19 boost­er for the fall sea­son on Tues­day, weeks af­ter mR­NA boost­ers se­cured an au­tho­riza­tion.

No­vavax made clear last month that dos­es had ar­rived in the US and were ready to ship. How­ev­er, reg­u­la­tors made no men­tion of the boost­er in a Sept. 11 an­nounce­ment clear­ing up­dat­ed shots from both Pfiz­er/BioN­Tech and Mod­er­na.

At the time, a No­vavax spokesper­son said the com­pa­ny was “cur­rent­ly re­spond­ing to the FDA’s re­quests to fa­cil­i­tate fi­nal re­view.” Shares of No­vavax stock rose 11% on Tues­day fol­low­ing the EUA.

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