Lilly’s diabetes and obesity leader to retire in broader leadership shuffle as CSO Dan Skovronsky takes on immunology role

As Eli Lil­ly an­tic­i­pates an FDA weight loss ap­proval for its in-de­mand di­a­betes drug Moun­jaro by year’s end, the drug­mak­er’s leader of those two ar­eas will re­tire and be re­placed by its im­munol­o­gy head.

Mike Ma­son, pres­i­dent of Lil­ly Di­a­betes and Obe­si­ty, will de­part at the end of De­cem­ber af­ter a 34-year ca­reer at the In­di­anapo­lis-based Big Phar­ma, per a Wednes­day morn­ing an­nounce­ment. Lil­ly USA pres­i­dent and im­munol­o­gy pres­i­dent Pa­trik Jon­s­son, an­oth­er three-decade vet­er­an of the com­pa­ny, will take Ma­son’s place on Jan. 1.

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