Newest FDA-approved opioid use disorder drug enters the market with flexible dosing

The newest ap­proved opi­oid use dis­or­der drug is lean­ing on its flex­i­ble dos­ing sched­ule and in­jec­tion site con­ve­nience to gain trac­tion. Brae­burn’s Brixa­di can be ad­min­is­tered as a week­ly dose, but al­so as a month­ly dose like its com­peti­tors. It al­so counts the drug’s lack of re­frig­er­a­tion need­ed and abil­i­ty for in­jec­tions at mul­ti­ple sites on the body as ad­di­tion­al dif­fer­en­tia­tors.

“A week­ly dose is im­por­tant in this cat­e­go­ry in par­tic­u­lar be­cause clin­i­cians like to see pa­tients on a fre­quent ba­sis es­pe­cial­ly ear­ly in the di­ag­no­sis or up­on re­lapse,” Brae­burn pres­i­dent and CEO Mike Derkacz said.

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