Return of the megaround: Main Street Health raises $315M for value-based care: #HLTH23

Main Street Health, a val­ue-based care start­up that serves rur­al Amer­i­ca, has raised $315 mil­lion to ex­pand in­to 26 states.

Pri­ma­ry care clin­ics in those states will re­ceive a Health Nav­i­ga­tor from the Nashville, Ten­nessee-based com­pa­ny who will help the clin­ic’s providers with care co­or­di­na­tion and as­sist pa­tients with sched­ul­ing, ap­point­ment re­minders and “so­cial de­ter­mi­nant of health needs.”

In­vestors of the lat­est round in­clude health­care and fin­tech ven­ture cap­i­tal firm Oak HC/FT, five Medicare Ad­van­tage plans in­clud­ing Hu­mana and Unit­ed­Health­care, and oth­er health sys­tems, the com­pa­ny said in an an­nounce­ment Sun­day.

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