Setting up a showdown with Boehringer, Pfizer scores interchangeability tag for its Humira biosimilar

Be­gin­ning lat­er this month, Pfiz­er is launch­ing an in­ter­change­able biosim­i­lar to Ab­b­Vie’s block­buster rheuma­toid arthri­tis drug Hu­mi­ra (adal­i­mum­ab) at a 5% dis­count on the whole­sale ac­qui­si­tion price.

Lat­er in 2023, Pfiz­er said late last week, its in­ter­change­able biosim­i­lar known as Abri­la­da (adal­i­mum­ab-afzb) will be avail­able at a sec­ond list price of 60% be­low the Hu­mi­ra list price.

By con­trast, Boehringer In­gel­heim, which is the on­ly oth­er com­pa­ny with an in­ter­change­able Hu­mi­ra biosim­i­lar on the mar­ket so far, con­firmed that its low­est-cost ver­sion of its in­ter­change­able known as Cyl­te­zo launched on Oct. 2 with an 81% dis­count.

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