Novavax debuts Covid vaccination campaign with celebrity spokesperson as millions of US doses ship

No­vavax is team­ing up with ac­tor and mod­el Nicole Ari Park­er to re­mind peo­ple to get a Covid shot this fall, launch­ing the cam­paign one week af­ter the vac­cine mak­er re­ceived FDA au­tho­riza­tion for its vac­cine.

Park­er is speak­ing up in the “Choose to Pro­tect” cam­paign, with No­vavax and ad­vo­ca­cy part­ner Healthy­Women, to help com­bat vac­ci­na­tion fa­tigue and talk about new op­tions in Covid vac­cines. No­vavax’s pro­tein-based vac­cine is the first al­ter­na­tive boost­er to the cur­rent mR­NA choic­es from lead­ing mak­ers Mod­er­na and Pfiz­er/BioN­Tech.

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