Employers covering GLP-1s could double in 2024 as questions over coverage guardrails loom

Em­ploy­ers who of­fer in­sur­ance cov­er­age of the new class of obe­si­ty med­ica­tions could dou­ble next year, ac­cord­ing to a new sur­vey of 500 em­ploy­ers.

Con­duct­ed by the group Ac­co­lade, the sur­vey found 81% of HR de­ci­sion mak­ers in­di­cat­ed they thought there would be em­ploy­ee in­ter­est in cov­er­ing GLP-1s, while just 25% ac­tu­al­ly of­fered cov­er­age. Still, the sur­vey in­di­cat­ed that next year, 43% of em­ploy­er plans could cov­er GLP-1s.

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