Walgreens hires longtime Cigna executive Tim Wentworth as CEO

In­vestors and an­a­lysts are op­ti­mistic about Wal­greens’ new chief ex­ec­u­tive ap­point­ment as the re­tail phar­ma­cy gi­ant grap­ples with staffing chal­lenges and phar­ma­cist walk­outs.

Wal­greens an­nounced for­mer Cigna ex­ec­u­tive Tim Went­worth as the new chief ex­ec­u­tive late Tues­day night, ahead of fourth quar­ter earn­ings com­ing Thurs­day and amid re­cent phar­ma­cist walk­outs to protest un­safe work­ing con­di­tions that have left stores shut­tered or un­der­staffed across the na­tion.

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