Flagship Pioneering recasts its corporate brand with ‘Bigger Leaps’ tagline and ambition

Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing, prob­a­bly best known for fund­ing Mod­er­na, is re­vamp­ing its brand to bet­ter de­fine it­self — and at­tract new tal­ent, part­ners and in­vestors.

The new tagline “Big­ger Leaps” em­bod­ies its promise of com­pa­nies and prod­ucts that are first-in-cat­e­go­ry, and of­ten the on­ly in cat­e­go­ry, said Flag­ship ex­ec­u­tive part­ner and chief com­mu­ni­ca­tions of­fi­cer Chris­tine Heenan.

The more than 100 com­pa­nies now found­ed and fund­ed by Flag­ship are in­de­pen­dent com­pa­nies, and many of them are pub­lic com­pa­nies, but the idea through­out is that “there is pride in the ‘In­tel In­side’ as­pect of hav­ing been found­ed and scaled by Flag­ship,” she said.

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