Amgen gives first glimpse at PRMT5 inhibitor, days after Bristol Myers put a $1B promise on the target

In a first look at Am­gen’s ex­per­i­men­tal PRMT5 in­hibitor, rough­ly 16% of pa­tients with var­i­ous can­cers saw their tu­mors shrink by at least 30%, equat­ing to a par­tial re­sponse.

The re­sults come as the tar­get has been gar­ner­ing greater at­ten­tion. On Sun­day, Bris­tol My­ers Squibb promised a po­ten­tial $1 bil­lion in ad­di­tion­al pay­ments to Mi­rati share­hold­ers re­lat­ed to the biotech’s PRMT5 in­hibitor as part of its pro­posed ac­qui­si­tion.

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