Synaffix joins forces with Sotio on $740M ADC licensing deal, plans expansion after Lonza acquisition

Lon­za’s Synaf­fix is adding an­oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ing li­cens­ing part­ner­ship by se­cur­ing a $740 mil­lion deal with So­tio Biotech, which would al­low So­tio to use the Dutch com­pa­ny’s three-pronged ADC tech.

It’s been a busy year for Synaf­fix: It was ac­quired by Lon­za in June and the So­tio deal is its fifth new li­cens­ing deal of the year. Synaf­fix CEO Pe­ter van de Sande told End­points News the Lon­za ac­qui­si­tion will al­low the com­pa­ny to bol­ster its ADC ser­vices. This in­cludes plans to in­crease its per­son­nel count from 35 to 50 in the next year, as well as ex­pand its fa­cil­i­ties and in­crease its man­u­fac­tur­ing R&D ca­pac­i­ty.

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