Tang Capital continues biotech buying spree with acquisition bid for Rain Oncology

Cal­i­for­nia in­vest­ment group Tang Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment has made its third takeover bid of the year for a strug­gling biotech, this time aimed at US com­pa­ny Rain On­col­o­gy af­ter a Phase III set­back ear­li­er this year.

Tang Cap­i­tal cur­rent­ly has a 14.6% stake in Rain. But its shell com­pa­ny Con­cen­tra has of­fered to buy the biotech for $1.25 per share, plus a con­tin­gent val­ue right for 80% of net pro­ceeds from any li­cense or dis­pos­al of Rain’s pro­grams.

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