US vs. Europe: New research paper compares drug review times across borders

The US boast­ed faster re­view times for drug ap­pli­ca­tions over the past decade com­pared to those in the EU and Switzer­land, ac­cord­ing to a new pa­per pub­lished Mon­day in the An­nals of In­ter­nal Med­i­cine.

The re­searchers as­sessed the length of reg­u­la­to­ry re­view times for both pri­ma­ry and sup­ple­men­tal in­di­ca­tions in the US and Eu­rope be­tween 2011 and 2020 as well as dif­fer­ences in sub­mis­sion times dur­ing that pe­ri­od. The re­searchers found that over­all, the me­di­an re­view time, from sub­mis­sion to ap­proval, was 39 weeks (about nine months) in the US com­pared with 44 weeks (about 10 months) in the EU and Switzer­land.

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