Scoop: Eli Lilly agrees to acquire another European ADC biotech

Eli Lil­ly has agreed to ac­quire an­oth­er an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate biotech, swoop­ing in for France-based Mablink Bio­science, End­points News has learned. The Sofinno­va-backed start­up is a part­ner of Emer­gence Ther­a­peu­tics, the oth­er Eu­ro­pean ADC biotech that Lil­ly bought ear­li­er this year.

It marks at least the sixth ac­qui­si­tion for Lil­ly in 2023, adding to its buys in di­a­betes, obe­si­ty, au­toim­mune dis­eases and ra­di­oli­gand ther­a­pies, though the com­pa­ny doesn’t al­ways dis­close small­er deals, chief sci­en­tif­ic of­fi­cer Dan Skovron­sky told End­points ear­li­er this week.

Endpoints News

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