Women’s chronic care startup Allara raises $10M to expand nationwide

Al­lara, a start­up fo­cused on con­nect­ing women with chron­ic hor­mon­al con­di­tions to care, raised $10 mil­lion in Se­ries A fund­ing to ex­pand its care cov­er­age na­tion­wide.

GV, Al­pha­bet’s ven­ture arm, led the round, with ad­di­tion­al back­ing from in­vestors such as Great Oaks Ven­ture Cap­i­tal and the for­mer chief ex­ec­u­tive of One Med­ical. Frédérique Dame, a gen­er­al part­ner at GV, is al­so join­ing the board of Al­lara. To date, the com­pa­ny has raised $17.5 mil­lion.

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