Illinois man accused of insider trading after making nearly $100K on Pfizer-Array buyout

A sub­ur­ban Chica­go man who used in­sid­er in­for­ma­tion he got from his spouse, who worked at Ar­ray Bio­Phar­ma, to make near­ly $100,000 from buy­ing and sell­ing stock op­tions will now face charges in a fed­er­al court, ac­cord­ing to gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments.

The spouse and com­pa­nies in­volved are un­named by the US At­tor­ney’s Of­fice for the North­ern Dis­trict of Illi­nois, which put out a press re­lease Wednes­day, and in court records. But a re­lease and com­plaint from the SEC spec­i­fied the al­le­ga­tions: The “sub­ur­ban Chica­go man,” Bri­an Ru­bin, is fac­ing ac­cu­sa­tions of buy­ing stock op­tions in Ar­ray be­fore it was an­nounced that it would be ac­quired by Pfiz­er for $11.4 bil­lion in June 2019.

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