Beam cuts 20% of staff, looks to partner on base-edited CAR-T one month after dosing first patient

Beam Ther­a­peu­tics is slim­ming down its pipeline of base edit­ing pro­grams and lay­ing off around 100 em­ploy­ees, the com­pa­ny dis­closed Thurs­day.

The biotech said it will now fo­cus on four key pro­grams — its ex vi­vo sick­le cell ther­a­py (known as BEAM-101), an in vi­vo sick­le cell treat­ment, an al­pha-1 an­tit­rypsin de­fi­cien­cy (AATD) ther­a­py and ES­CAPE, its pro­gram that aims to re­duce the tox­i­c­i­ty from the con­di­tion­ing reg­i­men used in bone mar­row trans­plants.

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