Roivant CEO urges patience on future after $7B+ sale to Roche

Now that Roivant has end­ed months of ru­mors by sign­ing a deal to sell its an­ti-TL1A in­hibitor to Roche for $7.1 bil­lion up­front, every­one wants to know how the com­pa­ny plans to spend that mon­ey.

In an in­vestor call Mon­day morn­ing, an­a­lysts asked sev­er­al ques­tions about Roivant’s next steps. CEO Matt Gline stressed he and his team will “be pa­tient” when it comes to find­ing the right op­por­tu­ni­ty. He didn’t go in­to specifics about when the mon­ey will be spent (or on what) and said it’s too ear­ly to de­cide what to do with the cash.

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