MarketingRx roundup: Fishawack rebrands as Avalere Health; BMS, Gilead, Amgen reup clinical diversity program

Phar­ma and health­care agency group Fishawack Health is chang­ing its name and brand to Avalere Health. The change comes more than a year af­ter the UK-based Fishawack ac­quired US-based life sci­ences con­sult­ing com­pa­ny Avalere.

The new­ly uni­fied brand in­cludes all 19 health agen­cies and con­sul­tan­cies around the world ac­quired un­der Fishawack since its launch in 2001. The move will re­tire all the sep­a­rate or­ga­ni­za­tion names, ex­cept Avalere con­sul­tan­cy, which will re­tain its brand as part of Avalere Health, the com­pa­ny said in a press re­lease last week.

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