Novartis sues Takeda after former employee allegedly shared trade secrets

No­var­tis is su­ing Take­da in a Mass­a­chu­setts state court to de­ter­mine whether a for­mer em­ploy­ee of its Egypt­ian sub­sidiary has been dis­trib­ut­ing trade se­crets mined from about 10,000 No­var­tis files.

No­var­tis asked the Mid­dle­sex Coun­ty Su­pe­ri­or Court on Tues­day to is­sue a sub­poe­na al­low­ing the court to sift through Take­da’s doc­u­ments and busi­ness records, not­ing that it has al­ready tried to solve the is­sue with Take­da’s in-house le­gal coun­sel. No­var­tis al­so hopes the court will al­low it to de­pose a cor­po­rate rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Take­da, and or­der the Japan­ese drug­mak­er not to de­stroy or change any doc­u­ments it has.

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