J&J’s first psoriasis study exclusive to patients of color opens door to new marketing communications

John­son & John­son’s first-ever clin­i­cal study in pso­ri­a­sis with pa­tients of col­or found its treat­ment Trem­fya works sim­i­lar­ly across di­verse pop­u­la­tions, but that’s not the on­ly re­sult it’s am­pli­fy­ing.

The phar­ma is eval­u­at­ing how the study can trans­late to meet­ing pa­tient and physi­cians’ un­met needs, in­clud­ing use of the 20,000 clin­i­cal im­ages col­lect­ed dur­ing the di­verse skin tone study. While plans are still in the works, J&J ex­pects to use the ro­bust data­base for gen­er­al ed­u­ca­tion as well as med­ical train­ing and physi­cian guid­ance.

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