Another Eylea threat: Roche expands label for blockbuster eye drug Vabysmo

With hopes of de­thron­ing Re­gen­eron’s block­buster eye drug fran­chise Eylea, Roche on Thurs­day an­nounced the FDA has ex­pand­ed the la­bel of its own block­buster eye drug Vabysmo (faricimab-svoa) to a third in­di­ca­tion, this time for the treat­ment of mac­u­lar ede­ma fol­low­ing reti­nal vein oc­clu­sion (RVO).

The new in­di­ca­tion for the bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body is based on two Phase III stud­ies that Roche said demon­strat­ed ear­ly and sus­tained vi­sion im­prove­ments that were non-in­fe­ri­or to Eylea. RVO is the sec­ond-most com­mon cause of vi­sion loss due to reti­nal vas­cu­lar con­di­tions, and Roche said it af­fects more than one mil­lion peo­ple in the US, main­ly se­niors, and can lead to se­vere and sud­den vi­sion loss.

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